Declutter your closet

How To Declutter Your Closet Like A Minimalist

Have you ever opened your closet and felt intimidated by how many clothes you own? And still could not decide what to wear? That is when you need to sit back and prepare yourself to declutter your closet!

There is no doubt that the thought of decluttering your closet can be stressful, but some things need to be done before the situation goes out of hand.

Decluttering your closet is one thing, but doing it as a minimalist is another. Minimalism is all about living with less and in this case,  only the minimum required clothes possible. This article is to guide you through the process of how to declutter your closet like a minimalist.

Step-1: Arrange Boxes And Set Aside Some Time

To declutter your closet, first, you will have to arrange a few boxes and label them as ‘keep’, ‘donate’, ‘maybe’ or ‘special occasion’. Also, setting some time aside like a few hours or a day, depending upon your closet size, is important. Make sure no one distracts you in the decluttering process because if that happens, you will lose all your interest in it.

Arrange boxes and set aside
Arrange boxes and set aside

Step-2: Empty Your Closet

You must empty your closet fully to know how many clothes you actually own. It is the most crucial step in the whole ‘declutter your closet’ process. After you have emptied the closet fully, the next move would be to pile your clothes into four basic categories, namely ‘keep’, ‘donate’, ‘maybe’ or ‘special occasion’. 

While deciding which clothing item goes to which pile, you could ask yourself a few questions like ‘How often do I wear this?’; ‘Does this brings me joy when I wear it?’; ‘Will I ever wear it again?’, etc. Do not overthink your decision and go with your first instinct. Overthinking will make things harder and of course, you don’t want that!

Step-3: Put The Piles In The Boxes

Now, the clothes that you have categorized into four main piles need to be put into their respective boxes. The clothes that were in the ‘keep’ pile will go to the ‘keep’ box, ‘donate’ pile in the ‘donate’ box and so on. That way, you won’t feel as stressed as earlier. You will have a clearer view of all the clothes you own. 

 Put The Piles In The Boxes
Put The Piles In The Boxes

Step-4: Pack The Donate And Maybe Box

Once you are done with filling up the boxes, the next move will be to pack the ‘donate’ and ‘maybe’ box. Mark the ‘maybe’ box with today’s date and keep the box aside for six months. Also, make sure you give away the donate box to someone in need. Donating the clothes you no longer use can be a great feeling because you are helping someone who needs it more than you. 

Your last category ‘special occasion’ consists of clothes that are worn on a special day. These clothes usually demand more care than others, so you need to carefully fold them and keep them in the closet before anything else.

Step-5: Organise Your Closet Neatly

Now that the “donate” and “maybe” boxes are sorted, you need to cleanly fold the clothes from “keep” box and put them in the closet. Stand away and look at how neat and minimalist your closet looks now. Now the next most important step comes into play, i.e., Regularly organizing your closet after every few days. You need to maintain this current closet view as long as possible. Waking up every day to a beautifully organized closet in one of the best feelings in the world!

Additional Tips To Follow When You Declutter Your Closet

  • Organise your clothes color-wise. This organization will make your closet more presentable.
  • Hang the clothes that get wrinkled easily.
  • If you think you still have a lot of clothes after the decluttering process, don’t hesitate to edit more.
  • Keep the floor of your closet as clean as possible. Messy closets never look organized.
  • If you feel like your closet is crowded, go ahead and add a few more racks to make it look better.

In addition to this article, if you need more information on how to declutter your closet like a minimalist, do check these out:




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